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Monday, September 3, 2007

7nth meeting

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

All of us had given a healthy physical,mental and emotional health by God and we must preserve what He provided us. We must do something favorable with our personal health like eating a balance diet, exercise regularly and avoiding too much stress. These are the things that will surely benefit us from living a healthy life and becoming well in all our tasks

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

10nth meeting

IV. Journal Writing
1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
when some of my friends teach me how to take a cigerette but idont like!!!
2. How did you react to it? Why?
If you are my true friend you never gave me a reason that may affect to our friendship.
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
I feel happy because may be if i take cigerette i became addicted
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?
I learned how to stand my own! Irealized that if you lost some friend you can find another friend or true friend!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eight week

a. What challenge did you take?
-I told to my self to become honest especially to my quizes.

b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?Yes,I feel glad and proud to myself even if sometimes i failed in some of our quizes however, i know to my self that i learned from my mistakes.

Sixth week

a. What challenge did you take?
-I challenged my self to pass our quiz in Logic and I got it;-)

b. Were you able to beat the challenge?

How do you feel about it?
I'm very glad about the result.

c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
-I Learned that if you really like something you will do your best to have it.

Fifth week

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”.
I challenged my self to passed our quiz in physical science and i was glad to accomplished it because i studied very hard the night before our examination.

first week

1. How does Values Education work to your advantage?
-It improves my excellence and virtue.
2. After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this will help you achieve successful adjustment in college?
-I Learned in our values the importance of one's emotion especially how to deal with the other persons. I learned also how to use my time appropriately and how to adjust my self in college.

Fourth week

Second Meeting

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?
-It's very fine i was to meet a lot of new friends and i really enjoyed with our facilities.
2. How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates?
- at first i felt nervous but i dioscovered that they are good.
3.How do you find your courses?
-Well, atfirst its hard for me to adjust but i realized that i have to give more effort for me to catch up our lessons.
4. What sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions and social involvement?
-For me i think i have to give more time and effort to my studies but now i think i already adjusted my self to wake up early and to be in school at the right time.

-Third Meeting-

1. Write your thoughts/reflection about the Freshmen Night using the guide questions below:
a. What were the things, scenes and events you have seen during the Freshmen Night?
-I was able to attend the freshmen night with my friends i watched my favorite band which is the callalily.We really enjoyed that night.

b. What were your feelings/emotions during the event?
-I was really happy and excited that night.

c. What did you like most about the event?
-When my favorite band was performed.

d. What did you dislike during the event?

e. What have you realized/learned from this experience?
-I realized that college life is full of challenges and excitement.

f. Any remarks for the MCL administrators.
-Thankyou for letting us to have a very especial night.

2. Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL. This could be something positive or negative. Use the outline below:- the date/time of experience- details of the story/experience (people, location, event/situation, reactions of the people around.- your feelings and reactions during this experience- your learning/realization from the experience
-When i saw my crush in our school and i met her inside of our classroom.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

VALUES EDUC. Ruin Alcaraz A-72

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?ANSWER -i realized that my positive qualities is a treasure for me... that i have to keep in myself forever. 2. The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates: - when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion; - when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;- when you commit mistake;- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do; - When they want to give you comments or suggestions?-ANSWER: i want my teachers and classmates to give me respect so according to the Golden rule i hav to do to my classmates what i want them to do to me so for them to respect me i have to respect first each of them. b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with restpect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?ANSWERS: -i Have to follow the rules and regulations in our school and do things correctly for me to get their respects.


